Infusing Hope, Inspiring Laughter, and Instilling an Eternal Perspective
Our mission is to fortify families where a parent or child is fighting cancer.
Our focus is to battle fear by infusing hope, inspiring laughter, and instilling an eternal perspective in each family we serve.

We accomplish that by hosting weekend retreats at kid-friendly resort properties for 70-90 cancer families at a time. Our guest families are entertained, inspired, and befriended by our volunteers. They leave the weekend retreat with an abundance of fresh hope for the battle.

Thumbs Up Mission was God’s idea, not ours. We are simply stepping into the story that He has woven together. It all began in 2012 when Miles and Sharon Coker's son, Keaton, was diagnosed with brain cancer. Keaton fought for two years with courage, humility, and confidence in his Creator, but in July of 2014 he went to be with Jesus. Since then, Miles, Sharon, and the entire Coker family have experienced all of the unspeakable aches that accompany the loss of a loved one. Keaton was just 18-years-old, and while he was dying of brain cancer, he showed the world how to live. His desire was to spend his life in ministry, pointing others to Jesus. THAT is precisely what Thumbs Up Mission is designed to do. As you can see from our retreat videos, our methods certainly don’t resemble a church service! We boil it down to the basics: we
serve so our retreat guests can rest, we entertain so they can lay their burdens down, and we love so they can realize they are not alone on this journey.